Our Mission
Data Services
The Consumer-Driven Health Care Institute (CDHCI) is a not-for-profit organization representing the leaders in consumer-driven health care. CDHCI's goal is to be the prime source for education, research and information about consumer-driven health care. The Institute actively promotes the shift to the Consumer-Driven Health paradigm.
The Member Companies have created health care models and technologies that empower individuals to make informed health care choices.
CDHCI believes that:
- Consumers will work with their physicians and health care providers to create a better health care outcome for themselves and their families.
- Health care usage is more cost efficient with empowered and knowledgeable consumers who use information tools.
- Price and quality transparency about health care professionals is a key method for effective consumer health care choices

Our Members and Sponsors of CDHCI are among the leaders in the technology space that are providing benefits and services to the over 20 million consumers who utilize account-based plans. Our past events that we have sponsored have included every key policy maker on Capitol Hill. We aim to provide our membership with the latest industry specific data through individual consultation as well as through our Data Services subscription.
The Consumer Driven Healthcare (CDHC) Market Data Advisory is a report published quarterly by The Consumer Driven Healthcare Institute (CDHCI). The CDHC Market Data Advisory was developed to help CDHC program administrators, financial institutions, health plans, and other key players in the CDHC market eco-chain better understand both macro and micro-industry trends for use in strategy, business development, and to enable them to achieve greater efficiencies in their own programs
As a Corporate Member of the Consumer-Driven Health Care Institute, your dues will help to support an organization that is specifically dedicated to the growth and educational goals of Consumer-Driven Health Care (CDHC.)
Corporate Members receive the following benefits:
- Advisory Board Membership
- CDHCI Committee Membership
- CDHC Executive Summit (Invitation-Only event)
- Networking opportunities
- CDHCI Conference discounts
- CDHCI Speaking opportunities
- Washington Updates
- Access to academic research specific to CDHC.
- And much more!
Corporate Membership includes those companies and organizations providing services as an insurer, third party administrator, financial fiduciary, and technology/solution providers.
Other Member categories include: Academic Institutions and Employers by workforce size. Academic and Employer Members receive the same benefits as Corporate Members.CDHCI does not offer Individual Membership.
Contact us at
info@cdhci.org or at our offices in Washington, DC at (202) 558-6364.